Monday, October 13, 2008

narrative walk #2... Stonehenge

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In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history lived a race of people nobody was sure about. They were very strange, and lived mostly without human contact. This is where they lived, Amesbury, England.
They were called the Druids.
It is said they lived together with a race only known as the banshees, who may or may not have come from this world. They co-existed next to one another, and the banshees did live well. It is unclear what happened to the banshees, but many believe they got bored with the druids and moved to Egypt where they built the great pyramid.

One day a year the pipes of pan make a return to the city where there is a big festival. Many come out for the event put on by the local 'Stonecutters'.
On a brisk night many years ago a young Saint Hubbins, the patron saint of quality footwear, was said to have seen the moon 'doth rise with a dragon's face'. To this day many people still will stay out all night wanting to see this.
Dew drops were very magical to the druids, they would come out in this field west of town early in the mornings to collect as much as they could. Dew drops were used to ward off evil and to help in healing.
On that one day a year the little children of Stonehenge will follow the pipes of pan from the town out to the monument and dance until the sun comes up the next day.

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